Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cub Scouts

I am currently working in the Cub Scout program in my Ward. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would like this job, let alone enjoy it. But I do! (Shhhh, don't tell anyone! I'll never get out!)
Last week for our activity, I cooked dinner with the boys. It was a lot of fun.

After making and eating tacos, I had a treat for the boys. We made trampoline ice cream. This is really simply and a ton of fun for the kids. You put all the ingredients in a freezer Ziploc bag and then put it in a larger Ziploc with ice and rock salt. Finally, jump on the tramp with it until it is frozen. Yummy!!!!

Good Times!!


April said...

LOL the trampoline ice cream is so cute! I love it, and these are great pictures of the boys. They are a great group of kids.

Monica Buchanan said...

I'm telling Scott. J/K.

Observer Of Life said...

Love the idea of the trampoline ice cream... what ingredients do you put in the bag?