Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School!

Today is the first day of school...and a new school for Mitchell and Kiana! Mitchell starts Middle school, he's getting so big! Kiana is in third grade. We moved them to a new school this year too. It is and elementary/middle school. This is in hopes of a better education! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Mitchell was not the happiest camper on the planet. He's not a big fan of school and a new school didn't help. Kiana was a bit nervous, but was a real trooper. I think the picture says it all!!

I had to really work at getting a smile out of Mitchell. They have to wear a uniform at this school. Needless to say...Mitchell wasn't thrilled about that one either. But I don't think that the uniform is too bad!?
I will probably win the "Big, Ugly, Mom Award" for this one!!!!


Williamson Fam said...

Ahhh ow exciting, what will you do with your time, well i guess you'll have more time next year when all 4 will be gone all day, whoo-hoo!

Nick and Jesse Coleman said...

That is not a bad uniform at all! What's he got to be mad about? :)

Christy said...

aww, they look cute! How did they like it???

Hulamum said...

Mitchell was quite happy when he came home and hasn't complained at all...Kiana is not happy and has asked to go back to her old school. This morning she kept saying "I don't want to go to school!" Hopefully that will change.