Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And We're off to Kindergarten!

Emma started Kindergarten today! Wow, lots of mixed emotions about that. She was so excited that when she got up this morning she was ready to hit the ground running. It was torture for her to wait until 11:30 to get her uniform on. She was very brave and so was Mum!!! I held it together very well. At least until I had to deal with Kiana. We saw Kiana in the playground and she wanted me to come see her when I was done with Emma. She was having a very hard time, the change has been pretty tough for her! She misses her old school and friends. I had to use some tough love and make her stay at school for the afternoon. That's when I lost it. We are all ok now!

Isn't she so cute!

1 comment:

Observer Of Life said...

i cannot believe how grown up she looks!!!

Love and miss you guys.