Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Roo and Joey

When I was at BYU-Hawaii, I became really good friends with a girl from Australia, Kerin. We haven't seen each other since we left BYUH and lost contact with each other quite a while ago. I have been trying to track her down for about a year. Anyway, I finally found her just as she and her family were about to move to Utah. She arrived last week and they are staying with us until they find a house.
It has been great catching up and seeing our kids play together. Our kids are close in age and get along great!

Kelti with Kerin's daughter Isabelle

Kerin's family lived in Queensland, Australia, which is a very nice climate...they don't get snow! Anyway, her kids went out to play the other morning and came in freezing. It was chilly and they were so excited to use their new winter coats, hats, and gloves. It was so cute!


Christy said...

So, how much of the same tastes do we have? I love that every blog decor is the same! we must have great esp! :)

Williamson Fam said...

How fun for you guys, i love old friends! I hope they find a house near by..